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2016「東アジア文化都市奈良2016 古都祝奈良 ならまちアートプロジェクト」(奈良、東城戸町会所)
2014「ヨコハマトリエンナーレ連携企画 BankART Life4 ー東アジアの夢ー」(横浜、BankART Studio NYK)
2009〜 チームやめよう主宰。


DAISUKE KURODA Born in Kyoto, Japan, 1982.

Born in Kyoto. Under the theme of "Making a New Nature," Kuroda has been producing videos, sculptures, and installations that focus on physical conditions of topography and climate, and the human stories of history. He is currently researching the history of modern sculpture in East Asia.


Hiroshima City University, Graduate School of Art, Sculpture, Ph.D. 2013


Solo exhibitions

The Absent History of Sculpture, Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo, Japan, 2017

Ice Americano, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, Korea, 2017

Transparent landscape, SIAFLABO, Sapporo, Japan, 2016

BANJI-ISHIKORO, The former Hiroshima Branch of the Bank of Japan, Hiroshima, Japan,2014

YAMAARI-TANIARI, TEF Vol.8 Sound Installation, TWS Hongo, Tokyo, japan, 2013


Group exhibitions

Tsushima Art Fantasia, Tsushima City, Nagasaki, Japan, 2011-2017

Setouchi Triennale 2016, Shodo-shima, Kagawa, Japan, 2016

Culture City of East Asia 2016, Higashi-jyoudo-cho,Nara, Japan,2016

The Work of Art in the Age of digital fabrication, Hiroshima Art center, Hiroshima, Japan,2015

Winter vacation, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Sapporo city, japan,2015

BankArt Life Ⅳ Culture City of East Asia 2014, YOKOHAMA Dreams of East Asia, BankArt1929, Japan, 2014

TATEMONO NO SEITAI, A-bombed Building in Hiroshima, Japan, 2013

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